Horses and Searching for God
By Kris Garrett
I’m on a roll this week. I’m going from PAP smears to God. What’s next? Politics? Oh my!
Today is Easter. Many of my Facebook Friends are posting, “He is Risen!” Wouldn't it be more correct to say, “He Rose!” or “He has Risen!”? I don't get it. I was not brought up in a classic “Christian” environment, so I don't totally understand the nuances of the wording.
Both my Mom and Dad had grandfathers who were Christian ministers. One Lutheran and one Methodist. These were hard-core, fire and brimstone kind of guys. They pounded their respective pulpits and made God into a very scary entity who must be obeyed without question, or else. I believe this is why neither of my independent-minded parents had a passion for religion. They got scared out of faith very young, and did not want to put their own children through that kind of trauma.
My mom got interested in Metaphysics back before it was cool. It was labeled “occult” back then and was very hush hush. You simply didn’t tell people you meditated or read books that were “channeled” by “entities.” You didn’t want to be labeled, one of (GASP) thoooose...
My Dad is a scientist who doesn’t believe in anything he can’t see, touch, or hear. He was too busy working in the darkest side of the human world to be bothered with invisible Spirit beings.
But me? Well, since I can remember, I have felt this need, this empty place, that I suspect a deep belief in God might fill. I took every religion class offered in high school. I’ve visited every denomination of church I could find in the big city of Denver (which is a lot of churches, by the way). I have a whole bookcase full of books on philosophy, spirituality, and the world’s religions. I even took a few classes at a well known “cult” church, to see what all the fuss was about. (Be afraid! Be VERY afraid!) I’ve been searching most of my life, but I’ve not yet found my mustard seed of faith.
I’m envious of people who have real faith in God and/or Jesus. I see the strength it gives them. Two of my favorite horse trainers have that kind of faith in their lives. They are secure in their Christianity. Observing the confidence they have in these invisible Beings makes me wish my parents had exposed me to religion back before I became so darn analytical. Maybe if I had been exposed young enough, I would now have true Faith in my heart.
But I would be lying or pretending if I said I fully believed the story of Jesus as written in the Bible. I WANT to believe, but I can’t pretend that I actually do. It all feels like human on human manipulation, and a big fib told as a means for male dominated, ego based control.
So, what does this have to do with horse training?
Last week I got rattled when a huge unexpected bill showed up in the hands of our roofing contractor. Panic set in. As often happens to me when confronted with money issues, I was immediately dizzy and sick to my stomach.
I couldn’t sleep that night. I tossed and turned, wishing once again that I believed in a god or spiritual entity who would handle this situation for me. I felt so alone and confused. I alternated between anger that we were being conned, and horror that I may have made a mistake and missed some fine print.
Through the jumble of thoughts, a vision of Tom popped in my mind. I visualized him holding a lead rope with a calm, quiet, relaxed horse on the other end. In my mind I heard him say, “the horse is looking for a safe place to be. That’s all he really wants. He’s okay when he’s in a place where he believes he can relax, knowing confidently that his leader is taking care of things.”
I pulled up the covers and snuggled my sleepy little dog a bit tighter to my chest. I thought about how it must feel to have true faith in God or Jesus Christ. Perhaps that “safe place’ the horses are looking for is the same kind of thing people yearn for. Perhaps that’s why religion was invented to begin with. People who really believe, people who find a place of safety in their religion or Faith, must not worry the way I do. Horses find this assuring mental space by giving their worries to their trusted leader, be it horse or human. Once again, I realized that we are no different. Horses and humans have the same need.
I closed my eyes and mentally apologized to God for not being sure I believed in Him. I decided I would pretend for a moment that I actually did. Knowing full well that I was acting, I pretended that God cared. I pretended that God would handle this situation. I pretended I was safe.
Remembering Tom’s words, I created a safe “place” in my mind. I visualized a giant purple flower that was so big I could stand in the center. The petals represented God’s safety and protection. I imagined the flower pedals lifting and closing up around me in a soft, loving embrace. I stood still in the middle of the flower and envisioned a cocoon of warmth and love surrounding my body. I pulled the covers in a bit tighter. I pretended that this was my safe, God protected place. Nothing could harm me. Nothing could get in. Soon, I was sound asleep.
The next day, John and I went to Village Inn for lunch. We ran into our old friend Wally. Wally was visiting with a sad looking young man, I suspect was a counseling client. We hugged, I said hi to his companion, and left him to his work.
Wally and I went to the police academy together back in the 80’s. He 's the only former cop friend I've kept in regular contact with. He’s a very unique and social fellow who knows just about everyone in town. It’s impossible not to like him.
One of Wally’s purposes in life is to help fellow alcoholics. He’s been an AA sponsor for decades, and has a long history of success. He's proud of his sobriety and loves helping others. He’s so good at supporting people in emotional pain that about a third of his clients have no connection to substance addiction at all. They just need kind, effective help.
About half way through our lunch, Wally said farewell to his companion and sat down at our table. We caught up on old times and new. We talked about my brother’s challenges with alcohol, and I lamented the anguish this problem causes my entire family. Wally looked at me and said, “I finally figured it out. People don’t have an alcohol problem, we have a Spiritual problem.”
I felt my eyes go wide. For the first time, I got it. I realized my brother has the same problem I do. My brother and I both have a Spiritual problem. He doesn’t have “Faith” any more than I do. He has no safe place to be. He has no Greater Power to whom he can hand over his struggles. He has no Leader he can trust. Like me, he feels all alone. It doesn’t matter that we’re around people -good, loving people- all the time, we’re STILL ALONE. Anxiety has ruled his life, just as it always has my own. The only difference is, my brother anesthetizes himself and fills that horrible, frightening void with beer. I do it with food.
I sat there staring at Wally, not sure how to ask for more information. How do you solve a “Spiritual” problem? Moving my feet, going on a church search, reading more books, and paying a gaggle of “gurus” for insight, has broadened my mind but has not solved the real problem.
So I end this blog, still asking that question. Is there a Greater Power, and does He care about me? How can I convince myself to believe in a loving, personal “God”? I’ve spent hours talking about this with my dear friend (and trainer) Melanie. I listened with rapt attention as she describes her personal relationship with Jesus Christ and her unshakable Faith in the Holy Spirit, hoping a little will rub off on me. She’s always patient with my questions and never judges my inability to simply Believe.
I don’t know how to fix this problem. I can’t intellectualize it away. I can’t expect my mind to be changed by other people’s experiences and convictions. I need God to put me on the end of His lead rope and move my feet. I need to know He’s got my back. I need to be so confident in His ability to keep me safe that I can drop my guard and take a breath. I need to know I am protected. I desperately want to believe, without any hesitation or doubt, that He is REAL.
Perhaps, someday…
How interesting, Kris. As I go through my awful divorce after 26 years of marriage, I also have fallen back on a thought very similar to yours. I guess you could say that I believe in a higher power but can't accept the idea of God in the traditional sense. So I fall back on Shinto and the idea of kami, spirits that represent natural forces (because I've always felt so close to the natural world, including animals). When I have trouble sleeping, I imagine my kami settling on me like butterflies with big soft wings. They envelope me just like the petals of your purple flower! My theory is that this need is something people get from childhood; if they were cared for as children, then they want that feeling again; if they were not, they still hope that there's something out there in the vast universe that's looking over them and keeping them safe. It doesn't matter if it's "true" -- if it helps you sleep, that's all that matters.
ReplyDeleteYes ericathered, it does sound like we're in a similar place. So sorry about your divorce. That's sad. Interesting about Kami and Shinto. I know nothing about that. I'll look it up. THANKS! -Kris
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing this... Your honesty is refreshing.
ReplyDeletelike aa, there's a program about filling the spiritual void. sounds like you are very ready for a teacher from that program. I've had my anxieties in life, and everyone does, and my belief in, and awareness of, a higher power, has ebbed and flowed, just as one's focus in meditation wanders, and then is brought back by the chosen discipline of the act of meditating, to that peace inducing thought, where more peace can grow. Your candidness about this has helped me return my focus, to my source, when my attention had wandered away from it. thank you for that. And that is a central feature of why programs work. We see the fallacies and fear in others and recognize that, and help each other; but our own fear can seem towering, until a friend pierces its bubble *for us*. good luck in your journey- keep searching!
ReplyDeleteI do not know you, but I am also an animal owner/lover. I read this and my heart aches for that emptiness you have. I am really a nobody, but God is my Father and my Creator and it is my duty to use His words to help you. When we get our first horse farm, we also need to get a tractor. We go to the John Deere store and buy a new beautiful machine and bring it home. They also give you a packet called, a manual, & they expect you to read it to know all about the machine. Sometimes we have to refer back to it to understand something. This is just like looking for faith in Christ. We need to go back to the manual...the Bible! There is such a focus on which religion is right, but the point is is that absolutely NO religion will save us. It is only when we realize that we are all sinners, no matter how"good" we may seem. The Bible (the original Bible inspired by God came from the early church, The Greek Textus Receptus...from which the King James Bible came) is the only book that not even one sentence could be proven wrong. There has been offer out there (for many years now) for someone to find one error in this book, and no one has yet been able to do so. This is one book that Satan does not want you to pick up. When I slack on spending my daily time in prayer and studying His Words, I find Satan attacks in every way. Even as much as putting doubts in my mind. When I ask Gods forgiveness for my human error and study again..those issues flee. Satan is the father of this world (we can just see the evilness down here). II Timothy 3:15 And from a childthou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: Do not turn this desire to know The Truth away. You are riht on and I will pray for you this morning that you can have this faith in the most loving Father. John is the best book in the Bible to start with as it is very easy to understand. Please email me if you would like to talk or I can give you the number to my pastor. He is very awesome at throwing all religions out and explaining it with the facts.
ReplyDeleteFor the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and it shall be turned into fables. (II Tim. 4:3-4) God knew the time in our history would turn to this. I will pray Gods guidence.
ReplyDeleteWhat if you already believe? What is this wanting to believe is belief itself? What if that vision of Tom talking to you about horses needing to be safe, and that vision of the flower are true visions. What if you are already safe? What if God's love is conspiring to help you? What if his mercy if bigger, deeper, wider, better than we can imagine? They say it's higher than the heavens? What is you're already walking with Jesus?
There's a saying that says faith comes by hearing, so maybe talking to your trainers who are Christians, hearing their experience might build your faith. I know people dislike church, but one thing I have found, as far as that moving feet image, is taking communion every week. Something mysterious happens where we take the body and blood of Christ, into us. It's more intimate than sex, because he comes in at a cellular level. I have experienced this, how I am more healthy and trusting, when I do this every week. (It is a mystery how bread and wine become Christ, but I believe it happens, and the eating of those things changes us.)
Anne Lamott's writing might encourage you too. You two sound similar on the faith thing. Her latest book Help, Thanks, Wow is pretty good. Linda Kohanov's Power of the Herd, has some interesting insights into how Judeo Christianity reveals the same kind of wisdom horses reveal.
Can you get a different quote from a different roofer? They can be wildly different in price. More expensive doesn't mean better. We had to have part of our roof done, and I was sick over it, because we could have done the whole thing. But our roofer found shingles that matched the old ones and we just did what needed to be done.
I too grew up listening to Hell, fire and brimstone. And now I think that God wins, that God's love is so wide and deep and broad. That people have to try hard to reject that love. Love Wins by Rob Bell talks about this. As does A New Kind of Christian by Brian MacLaren.
Well, that's all I know for now but will say prayers for you.
Seems like God HAS been moving your feet... all the way through your life as you are searching for Him. Keep listening - to continue the analogy, sometimes it takes several tries for the horse on the end of the lead rope to understand what is being asked and find the place with "nothing," or in your case fullness.